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Privacy Policy

We Respect your Personal Privacy.

We hate spam as much as you do and we do not sell or rent our list of customers to anyone.



A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes
an anonymous unique identifier, that is sent to your browser from a web site's computers and stored on your
computer's hard drive

You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is set.


Cariann of Sweden uses cookies to make the website more effective.

It means that Cariann of Sweden can keep track on the number of visitors and which part of the website that is most frequently visited.

The statistic keeps no records on personal information of any kind, like birth numbers, person names, e-mail addresses. It is used only to improve the website.


The website is made by Carina Wallmark and Ann Lindstrom.


If you have a question about Cariann of Swedens prices, policies, or procedures, need help, or would like to give us feedback you can send a message to Cariann of Sweden.


Please note. that we make reservations for any price changes, incorrect prices and/or wrong information that can be found on our website.